Prebid: The Key to Maximizing Ad Exchange Performance


If you work with online advertising, you have probably heard of Prebid. This open-source technology has become increasingly popular among ad exchanges for enabling a fair and efficient ad auction.

In this article, we will explain the importance of Prebid for ad exchanges and how it works to improve the auction process for advertisers.

What is Prebid?

Prebid is an open-source technology that allows multiple Supply-Side Platforms (SSPs) to participate in an ad auction simultaneously, increasing competition and efficiency in the process. With Prebid, the decision about which SSP will display a particular ad is made in real-time, taking into account the price, inventory quality, and other criteria defined by the advertiser.

How does Prebid work?

When a user visits a website, Prebid is triggered and performs a Real-Time Bidding (RTB), where buyers can bid on the available advertising space. This process is executed in milliseconds, and the buyer with the highest bid wins the right to display their ad in the space provided by the publisher.

Why is Prebid important for ad exchanges?

Ad exchanges are responsible for connecting advertisers to many websites and applications. However, without Prebid, the ad auction process can be unfair and inefficient. This is because some SSPs have privileged access to more valuable inventory, allowing them to offer higher bids.

But with Prebid, all SSPs have an equal chance of winning an auction, increasing competition and ensuring that the advertiser gets the best value for their advertising investment. In addition, Prebid also helps ad exchanges improve the quality of the inventory they offer to advertisers. As SSPs compete on an equal footing, ad exchanges are encouraged to provide high-quality inventory and avoid fraudulent practices, such as displaying ads on low-quality sites or apps without user consent.

Finally, Prebid can also help ad exchanges improve their reputation among advertisers and regulators. By using transparent and fair technology, ad exchanges demonstrate their commitment to providing a positive advertising experience for all involved.


Prebid is a fundamental technology for ad exchanges that want to maximize the performance of their ad auctions. By allowing multiple SSPs to participate in the same auction on an equal footing, Prebid increases competition and ensures that the advertiser gets the best value for their advertising investment. Moreover, Prebid helps ad exchanges improve the quality of their inventory and reputation among advertisers and regulators. Therefore, if you work with ad exchanges, it is essential to understand and use Prebid in your online advertising strategy.

If you want to partner with an SSP with its Ad Exchange, which provides you with Prebid technology, direct integration based on tags, and access to premium advertisers and demand channels, GnetRTB may be the best place for you. Visit this link and be assisted by our team of experts.